Collection: Zoide ordinal II
ID: two
Date: 10-03-2023
Supply: 1
Token: 39349d67e42c87i07aa8ee13563b0f4bcb6fe385c1cd1392bffe5368f4084c87i0
The hatchening
Service fee
Import fields
Upload your backup keys .json file exported from 1satordinals
Write down your desired username
WIFWrite down a valid paymail in order to become part of future features
Create fields
Write down a valid paymail in order to become part of future features
Upload your backup keys .json file exported from Aym
Write your backup seed phrase from RelayX
Upload your backup keysa .json file exported from Zoide
Write your backup seed phrase from Zoide
Write your pay Private key (WIF)
Write your ordinals Private key (WIF)